May 1st is a holiday in Germany | all shops are closed
Drinks: Mojito Monday @Habaneros, 17:00h:
Special Offers on Mojitos!
Film: Vermeer @Central im Bürgerbräu, 18:00h:
[language: English |subtitles: German] Exhibition on Screen
Drinks: 21 Choices for Students @Beerhouse 111,19:00h:
Special Offers on Beer for Students
Party: Getränkepyramide @Club Katze, 22:00h:
Prices for Drinks are 1,50€ from 10pm to 10.30pm. Every thirty minutes, the prices increase by 50c - start early, drink cheaper.
Film: Sara Mardini @Central im Bürgerbräu, 18:00h:
[language: English | subtitles: German] Documentary report about Olympic athlete Sara Mardini who fled from the war in Syria
Impro Theater: 10vor8 @Chambinzky, 19:50h:
[language: German] Bei 10vor8 sitzt das gesamte Publikum in der Regie
Jam Session: Jazz Jam @Kellerperle, 20:30h:
The stage is open for your Jazz sounds
Party: Studi-Dienstag @Bombe, 21:00h:
free entry, mixed music
Pub Quiz: Trivia Night @Kellerperle, 18:30h:
Pub quiz in English language
Theater: In 80 Tagen um die Welt @Chambinzky, 19:30h:
[event in German language] Der Klassiker von Jules Verne in der Version von Regisseur Carsten Steuwer
Film: Nasrin @Central im Bürgerbräu, 20:30h:
[language: English | subtitles: German] Film about human rights activist Nasrin Sotoudeh from Iran
Party: Mittwochs Double @Odeon Lounge, 22:30h:
Free Entry 22.30-23.30h. Buy one, get thwo all night. Music: Rap, R'n'B, Black.
Drinks: Mule Thursday @Habaneros, 17:00h:
Special Offers on Mules (Fruit and Classic!)
Concert: Themis / Blind Man's Medicine @L Club, 19:30h:
Garage Rock / Noise Rock
Theater: Extrawurst @Theater Chambinzky, 20:00h:
[event in German language] Satirische Komödie
Party: erasmus party @Zauberberg, 22:00h:
Reduced entrance fee until 1pm | party all night long
Theater: Wurzelglück und Furzelkram @Theater am Neunerplatz, 16:00h:
[event in German language] Als der Wald zusehends vermüsslt war, begannen die Tiere zusammenzuarbeiten. Handpuppentheater für die ganze Familie.
Film: Die rote Linie @Central im Bürgerbräu, 18:00h:
[language: German] Dokumentation über den Widerstand im Hambacher Forst
Concert: School of Rock @b-hof, 19:00h:
The students from the Würzburg conservatorium invite you to a great night of Rock music
Stand Up Comedy: Bavaria's Most Wanted @Kellerperle, 19:30h:
[language: English] Host Marc Adams invites you to the first stand up comedy talent show
Party: The Road to Punk Rock @Immerhin, 21:00h:
The DJs serve finest Punk Rock, the bar tenders serve refreshing drinks
Market: Klein Montmartre @Leonhard-Frank-Promenade, 10:00h:
Artisans, craftspeople and artists sell their handmade goods alongside the promenade
Impro Theatre: Der Kaktus & Lee White @Café Cairo, 19:30h:
[language: English] Würzburg's improv group meets Canadian artist Le White
Vortrag: Misogynie als Massenunterhaltung @Kellerperle, 19:30h:
[language: German] Autorin Veronika Kracher berichtet Wirkung und Funktion antifeministischer Hasskampagnen am Beispiel von Amber Heard.
Festival: Baphofest VI @b-hof, 19:30h:
Impalement (Black Metal / Death Metal), Boötes Void (Atmospheric Black Metal), Cendre (Post Black Metal)
Party: Best of the 90s @Labyrinth, 22:00h:
From Eurodance to Nu Metal, and from Grunge to Shoegaze - this is a celebration of the 1990s
Theater: Wurzelglück und Furzelkram @Theater am Neunerplatz, 11:00h:
[event in German language] Als der Wald zusehends vermüsslt war, begannen die Tiere zusammenzuarbeiten. Handpuppentheater für die ganze Familie.
Concert: Ultraphauna / Pili Coït @Immerhin, 15:30h:
Experimental / Prog Metal / Jazz
Poetry Slam @Posthalle, 19:00h:
[language: German] Auf der Bühne: Lisa-Pauline Wagner, Kolja Fach, Andreas Musche, Hannah Pfister, Lena Patinsky, Freya Zöller. Special Guest: Marie Dot. Moderation: Christian Ritter.
Drinks: 22 Choices for Students @Beerhouse 111, 19:00h:
Special Offers for Students
Film: Perlenkino @Kellerperle, 19:30h:
Surprise Film at the Kellerperle. Vintage? Cult? Trash? Everything is possible!
Vortrag: Gedankenbuffet @Chambinzky, 19:30h:
[language: German] Vortrag zum Thema Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
Concert: Joe Krieg Quartet @Keller Z87, 19:30h:
Jazz | Special Guest: Nils Wolgram
Drinks: Cocktail Casino @Besitos, 20:00h:
Roll the Dice and let Fate decide what your Drink will cost.
Zuletzt geändert am: May 01 2023 um 9:50 AM
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