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Babelfish Newsletter: March 13, 2023

Veröffentlicht von Rapha am Mar 13 2023

MONDAY 13 March

Exhibition: World Press Photo @City Hall, Kitzingen, 10:00h:
Photos from the 65th annual World Press Photo Contest

Food: Vegane VoKü @Café Cairo, 17:00h:
Donate for a good cause and enjoy tasty food. This week: mercimek çorbası (Turkish Lentils Soup)

Improtheater: In bester Gesellschaft @Chambinzky, 20:00h:
[event in German language] Die Schwestern in Überzahl und Special Guest Ingolf Stöcker präsentieren ein improvisiertes Kammerspiel

Drinks: Cocktail Casino @Besitos, 20:00h:
Roll the Dice and let Fate decide what your Drink will cost.

TUESDAY 14 March

Exhibition: World Press Photo @City Hall, Kitzingen, 10:00h:
Photos from the 65th annual World Press Photo Contest

Food: Flammkuchentag @Café Jenseits, 11:00h:
Special Offers on Tarte Flambé

Drinks: Boots All Night @Beerhouse 111, 19:00h:
These boots were made for drinking! Special Offers on all "Stiefel" (2 litres of beer)

Party: Studi-Dienstag @Bombe, 21:00h:
free entry, mixed music


Exhibition: World Press Photo @City Hall, Kitzingen, 10:00h:
Photos from the 65th annual World Press Photo Contest

Musiktheater: Magical Singalong @Posthalle, 15:30h:
[event in German language] Bei diesem Bühnenstück kommen alle eure Lieblingslieder aus Musicals und Filmen vor. Mitsingen ist quasi Pflicht.

Karaoke: WIN Night @Kellerperle, 18:30h:
Show off your vocals skills or join the international party

Lesung: xYUNGLITx @Café Cairo, 19:30h:
Junge Autor*innen stellen ihre Werke vor


Exhibition: World Press Photo @City Hall, Kitzingen, 10:00h:
Photos from the 65th annual World Press Photo Contest

Bühnenshow: Farid @Posthalle, 19:00h:
[event in German language] Magic Live Unplugged

Theater: Party für eine Leiche @Café Cairo, 20:00h:
[event in German language] Der perfekte Mord und eine wilde Party

Concert: Joe & The Crazy Pandemics @Keller Z87, 20:00h:
Jazz with Specials Guests Dieter Sauerborn and Matthias Bublath

FRIDAY 17 March

Theater: Enigma @Chambinzky, 19:30h:
[event in German language] Drama über Liebe und Glück

Improtheater: Der Kaktus @Café Cairo, 19:30h:
[event in German language] Der Improshows nach dem Motto "What you see is what you get"

Party: St. Patrick's Day @Irish Pixie, 20:00h:
Paddy's Specials and Live Music

Französisch Stammtisch @Mainbäck, 20:00h:
Bienvenue! This event is for everyone who loves to speak French or who likes to improve their skills in this beautiful language.

Party: gay.volution @Zauberberg, 22:00h:


Fleamarket and Concert: Ranzen & The Funky Horseman's Show @L Club, 14:00h:
DIY fleamarket, live music, and Indie Disco

Film: River @Central im Bürgerbräu, 18:30h:
Documentary film, English with German subtitles

Theater: Enigma @Chambinzky, 19:30h:
[event in German language] Drama über Liebe und Glück

Party: A Night of Steel and Thunder @Immerhin, 21:00h:
Hard Rock, Heavy Metal and more

Rave: Dizzy @Waldschänke Dornheim, 23:00h:
Frickler, Ponyysticker, Nasty Lecka

SUNDAY 19 March

Exhibition: World Press Photo @City Hall, Kitzingen, 10:00h:
Photos from the 65th annual World Press Photo Contest

Flea Market: Fashion Flohmarkt @Posthalle, 14:00h:
Find plenty of great second hand or vintage fashion

Theater: Party für eine Leiche @Café Cairo, 15:00h:
[event in German language] Der perfekte Mord und eine wilde Party

Concert: let me LIED you @Keller Z87, 19:00h:
Jazz / Improvisation

MONDAY 20 March

Drinks: Mojito Monday @Habaneros, 17:00h:
Special Offers on Mojitos!

Film: Perlenkino @Kellerperle, 19:30h:
Surprise Film at the Kellerperle. Vintage? Cult? Trash? Everything is possible!

Film: Selma @Central im Bürgerbräu, 20:15h:
[event in German language] Dokumentation über den Protestmarsch von Martin Luther King

Party: Getränkepyramide @Club Katze, 22:00h:
Prices for Drinks are 1,50€ from 10pm to 10.30pm. Every thirty minutes, the prices increase by 50c - start early, drink cheaper.

Zuletzt geändert am: Mar 13 2023 um 8:31 AM

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