Spring Fair @Talavera, Monday to Friday, 14:00h-23:00h:
It's the last week of the big Spring Fair. The huge beer tent is the centre of this huge event. Besides that there are plenty of little attractions, small bars selling local foods and drinks, fun rides for people of all ages and raffle ticket
booths. You can have a beer, a wine or some grilled chicken at the tent, ride the giant boat swing, get scared on the ghost train, try your luck at the tombola or enjoy the great weather at the riverside while eating some smoked fish.
On Wednesday there are special offers for families and children.
The Spring Fair in Würzburg opens the Fair Season in Bavaria every year and is therefore popular amongst people in all of Southern Germany. Also many travellers from all around the globe come here every year to have a good time.
MONDAY, 03 March:
Concert: Steve Hackett (Ex-Genesis), @Posthalle, 19:00h:
After Genesis split up, not only drummer Phil Collins made some solo career. Guitar player Steve Hackett has published and sold a ton of LPs playing various and chequered styles between Blues, Rock, Progressive and Jazz. With his extended program "Genesis Revisited with Classic Hackett 2017" he and his band are playing the full Genesis set on tour. It is said that this year's performance will be even more enthusiastic, more creative and even bigger than the last one.
The Posthalle is directly next to the Central Train and Bus Station and can easily be seen from the hostel's door.
TUESDAY, 04 March:
Party: StuDienstag (Students' Tuesday) @Labyrinth, 22:00h:
Würzburg's most Rock'n'Roll dancefloor welcomes you to a loud and joyful night with many extras and special offers. On Tuesday the admission fee is only 4€, or even 2€ if you arrive earlier than 22:30h; pupils and students get in for free anyway. Around the dance floor there are four bars serving a huge amount of drinks, one of them selling warm snacks and a comfy area with several high quality table footballs and pool billard tables. If you order one Asbach-Cola, Whiskey Cola, Gin Tonic, Vodka Lemon, Schlappeseppel, Augustiner or Desperados beer, Persico, Waldi or Mexican shot (the last one's pretty spicy!) or a Fanta, you'll get two for the price of one. After Midnight there are changing special offers on cocktails and longdrinks.
The DJs provide you with the best of Rock, Alternative, Indie and Pop Music. If you need a short break, look for the comfy smoking area in the backyard where you will meet lots of nice people. The Laby is easily to reach from the hostel's door; the walking distance is less than 10 minutes.
WEDNESDAY, 05 March:
Film: Frizz Sneak Preview @CinemaxX, 20:30h:
Do you like surprises and films? You are at the right place. Every Wednesday there is a sneak preview show at the CinemaxX.
The content of the show will not be revealed until the very last second and you can be sure to belong to some of the very first people ever to watch this special film. For only 5,90€ you'll get a ticket for this exclusive event in Würzburg's biggest cinema. The huge establishmend offers a big variety of fancy meals and drinks, comfy armchairs and highest quality film presentations.
The CinemaxX is near the old docks and reachable by foot, by car or by bus lines 11, 13, 19 and 27 (bus stop "Kulturspeicher". Also cinema guests get a discount on parking tickets if you show them at one of the desks.
THURSDAY, 06 March:
Open Jam Session @Standard, 21:00h:
Hey there, musicians and music lovers! How about a beautiful jam session in one of Würzburg's mst beautiful cellar bars? In the lower storey of the fancy pub "Standard" the stage is open for everyone who wans to enjoy a nice jam. Grab your friends, some drinks and maybe an instrument if you like to play, to drink, to chat or just to enjoy some live music.
The Standard is only five minutes away from the hostel nearthe Barbarossa Square and is well-known for its gorgeous atmosphere, tasty snacks, good drinks, and open-minded people.
FRIDAY, 07 March:
Concert: Harsh Toke & Joy @
Immerhin, 21:00h:
Harsh Toke present some strong Acid Rock from another dimension in space. The quartet around Justin "Figgy" Figueroa made a trip through the galaxy to adapt some Deep Space Blues. Their music is rebbellious, loud and makes the crowd go dizzy.
Harsh Toke's concerts end up in giant jam sessions. Short breaks make the audience touch the ground from time to time until
the rocky and psychedelic space trip goes on to the next level. Their support are San Diegos finest Space Rock Band Joy.
Hostel guests will also enjoy the very short distance between their beds and the Immerhin. You only have to cross the street, head for the backside of the "Posthalle", next to the Central Train and Bus Station and you'll be at this very special venue in no time. Awesome people, great music and keen drinks are guaranteed. Also the bar provides a ton of comfy sofas and armchairs, same as table football.
SATURDAY, 08 March:
Party: "Halt die Klappe und tanz'!" ("shut up and dance!) @Club Katze, 23:00h:
Welcome to the open minded urban club sound. The Club Katze (cat) opens its doors for all of you who are about to dance and party. You'll get two drinks for the price of one until Midnight if you have the Katze-App on your mobile device. The admission is only 6€. National and international DJs are there to serve you with the best of Groove, Funk, Fresh Urban Electronic, Soul, Hip Hop and Bass Music.
The Club Katze is near the riverside and only some minutes away from the hostel. You can easily walk there by going along the Julius-Promenade and maybe getting some snacks on the way.
SUNDAY, 09 March:
Tatort @Café Muck, 20:00h:
(article and event are in German language)Wie jeden Sonntag zieht es Millionen Zuschauer im deutschsprachigen Raum vor die Fernseher, um den Tatort zu schauen. Also warum nicht in einer großen Gruppe bei gutem Essen, freundlicher Umgebung und günstigen Kaltgetränken? Das Café Muck lädt wöchentlich zum großen Krimi Abend ein. Hier gibt es gekühlte Getränke mit und ohne Alkohol und neben anderen Gerichten großartige hausgemachte Burger.
Das Café Muck ist im Herzen der Sandertraße - Würzburg's aktivstem Stadtteil in Sachen Nachtleben. Ihr gelangt dort zu Fuß oder mit den Straßenbahnlinien an. Die Haltestelle "Sanderring"ist nur zwei Minuten vom Café Muck entfernt.
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