MONDAY 05 November:
Vegane VoKü @Café Cairo, 17:30h:
This week's vegan communal kitchen is provided by the great people of the FreiRaum. Enjoy their tasty Zwiebelkuchen (onion cake) in a friendly atmosphere with awesome people, and support their open room where everyone is welcome.
Concert: John Lee's Barclay James Harvest @Posthalle, 20:00h:
50th anniversairy tour! Have a seat to enjoy the greatest hits from half a century. The Manchester based quartet shows that they have lost not a bit of their driving power.
Jazz Singers' Night @Omnibus, 21:00h:
This evening is lead by The Bus Messengers and the fabulous Evelyn Kincses. Tonight is all about Jazz and great singing.
Getränkepyramide @Club Katze, 22:00h:
During the first hour every drink is only 1€. With every hour the drinks become more expensive. Better go there early.
BBQ @Babelfish Hostel, 20:00h:
Monday is sausage day! Join us on the terrace for a beautiful evening with German bratwurst.
TUESDAY 06 November:
Film: Ex_Machina @Central im Bürgerbräu, 18:30h:
This film is about a young IT expert who does research on Artificial Intelligence from his new lab in the countryside. His matter of research is a gorgeous Droid.
Improv: What You See is What You Get @Cairo, 20:00h:
The improv group Kaktus invite you to a crazy evening full of variations, innovation and fun.
Monkey Disko @Labyrinth, 22:00h:
Do the monkey and enjoy Tuesday Night!
Special offer on many drinks and the best chips in town are provided all night. You like Indie, Rock, Pop, Alternative? This is the place to be tonight.
Meditation @FreiRaum, 19:00h:
Tuesday is the day to cool down. Join a lot of friendly people at FreiRaum and discover new spheres of relaxation and peace.
City Tour @Babelfish Hostel, 17:30h:
Join us for our free city tour and explore beautiful and hidden spots in Würzburg!
WEDNESDAY 07 November:
Wunschlos Jazzig @Wunschlos Glücklich, 20:00h:
Jazz Jam Session at Wunschlos Glücklich! That means awesome music, an open stage for everyone who wants to join, comfortable atmosphere, friendly people, and great food.
Sneak Preview @CinemaxX, 20:30h:
Discover an unreleased film before everone else at this great Sneak Preview!
Let's Talk! International Wednesday @Babelfish Hostel, 19:00h:
Meet nice people and improve your language skills. All languages welcome. Let's have some fun!
THURSDAY 08 November:
Concert: L'ira del baccano / Daal Dazed @Immerhin, 20:30h:
For their 10th anniversairy on stage Italians L'ira del baccano provide a new issue of their Live LP "...originally available only in digital download and continue the instrumental trip through different songs structures...". Join these great Blues and Psychedelic Rockers for a hot night in autumn. Support act are Aschaffenburg's Blues Rockers Daal Dazed.
Yoga @FreiRaum, 17:00h:
Free Yoga courses take place at the FreiRaum every Thursday.
Pub Crawl @Babelfish Hostel, 21:30h:
On this very special guided tour you will explore bars and pubs in Würzburg. Let's crawl!
FRIDAY 09 November:
Concert: Unantastbar @Posthalle, 19:00h:
Italian Punk Rock Band Unantastbar has become popular within the last years. Now they're back in Posthalle to play for you. Together with support act Formlos they are about to make this a very special night.
Science Slam @Zentrales Hörsaal- und Seminargebäude, 19:00h:
This night is about science and entertainment. Bad mixture? We don't think so! Join, learn and laugh with scientists and friends.
Concert: byebye @Kellerperle, 20:00h:
"Eine dir unbekannte Band" (a band unknown to you) is the title of byebye's new LP. Driving music suitable for everyone who has got some rhythm flowing through their veins. Make them known to yourself.
Concert: Marlin / The Dirty Turds @Cairo, 20:00h:
Music to lose yourself in. Marlin are dreamers who invite you on a Post-Rock and Indie voyage to far space and forgotten lands. Support act are The Dirty Turds.
Concert: Steakknife / Anti-Control @Immerhin, 20:00h:
Classic Punk Rock Double Feature! Dance the your way to the revolution with those originals. Pure fast Punk Rock playing since the 90s.
Würzburg! Hit me Baby one more Time @MannyGreen, 23:00h:
Big 90s and 2000s show. Member the times? We sure do! Get your glammy costume out of the closet and celebrate two decades of pop music that changed the world.
Friday Night Rock @Labyrinth, 21:00h:
Rock rock rock all night! Also there will be special offers on beer: pay one, get two!
XXL Jenga @Babelfish Hostel, 20:00h:
This huge version of the classic game Jenga promises fun and joy for all. Every brick comes with hilarious objectives.
SATURDAY 10 November:
Vintage Kilo Sale @Posthalle, 11:00h:
One of the biggest second hand events for vintage clothing is coming to Posthalle! Great fashion for low price, food, and drinks.
Kleidertauschparty @Cairo, 15:00h:
Exchange your used clothes instead of buying new stuff. Expect a funny afternoon with lots of clothes, friendly people and live music from Séimà and John Grey.
Beachparty @Immerhin, 21:07h:
Summer, sun, and beaches are the motto of this night. Have a great time at the Immerhin's bar while listening to all classics reminding of the hot period.
Meister Lampe w/ Sven Dohse @MS Zufriedenheit, 23:30h:
Techno all night long with DJs Meister Lampe and Sven Dohse. It's time to freak out and have a great Saturday night.
Let's meet! International Saturday @Babelfish Hostel, 19:00h:
Meet nice people and improve your language skills. All languages welcome. Let's have some fun!
SUNDAY 11 November:
Jazzfrühstück @Kulturbühne Alte Feuerwehr, Gerbrunn, 10:30h:
The Siebold Jazz Combo invites you to come to Gerbrunn. Celebrate the ende of the week with a tasty buffet, and the sounds of this young and talented combo.
Schnitzel Day @Jenseits, 11:00h:
For the last day of the week we recommend all Schnitzels for 8,50€!
Game Night @Babelfish Hostel, 20:30h:
Join us and our guests for a fun night with card or board games and much more!
Zuletzt geändert am: Nov 05 2018 um 12:14 PM
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