MONDAY 12 November:
Autorentreffen 11.0 @Standard, 19:00h:
All you writers, authors and friends come to Standard tonight. Read your own text, discuss and support. Up the pens!
Yoga meats Acro - Jam @FreiRaum, 20:30h:
Acro Yoga for beginners and advanced. Get together and let's jam.
Getränkepyramide @Club Katze, 22:00h:
During the first hour every drink is only 1€. With every hour the drinks become more expensive. Better go there early.
City Tour @Babelfish Hostel, 16:30h:
Join our colleague for an informative and beautiful stroll through Würzburg.
TUESDAY 13 November:
Monkey Disko @Labyrinth, 22:00h:
Do the monkey and enjoy Tuesday Night!
Special offer on many drinks and the best chips in town are provided all night. You like Indie, Rock, Pop, Alternative? This is the place to be tonight.
Meditation @FreiRaum, 19:00h:
Tuesday is the day to cool down. Join a lot of friendly people at FreiRaum and discover new spheres of relaxation and peace.
Pub Crawl @Babelfish Hostel, 21:00h:
Get together in the best bars and pubs in town. Let's crawl!
WEDNESDAY 14 November:
Mad Hat Party @Kurt & Komisch, 22:00h:
You can leave your hat on! Admission is 6€, but only 4€ if you wear a hat!
Sneak Preview @CinemaxX, 20:30h:
Discover an unreleased film before everone else at this great Sneak Preview!
Let's Talk! International Wednesday @Babelfish Hostel, 19:00h:
Meet nice people and improve your language skills. All languages welcome. Let's have some fun!
THURSDAY 15 November:
Concert: Down with the Gypsies / Vvlva @Cairo, 20:00h:
Psychedelic Folk Krautrock from Germany, Spain and Austria. This is about to become great! Down with the Gypsies have released their first full-time album earlier this year and are happy to present it to you. Support are the Heavy Krautrockers Vvlva from Aschaffenburg.
Yoga @FreiRaum, 17:00h:
Free Yoga courses take place at the FreiRaum every Thursday.
Beer Tasting @Babelfish Hostel, 19:30h:
Difficult choices such as which beer to drink don't play a role tonight because we're offering a free tasting of all the beer we sell.
FRIDAY 16 November:
Hammer of Doom XIII @Posthalle, 17:00h:
For the 13th time the Doom is coming to town. Enjoy this great festival!
Concert: Karies / Scharping @Cairo, 20:00h:
Karies are here to present their new album "Alice" to you, and they brought their friends Scharping as support.
Gay.Volution @Zauberberg, 22:00h:
The greatest party in Würzburg for all LGBTQIIA+ and friends. Let's have a colourful night!
80s and Gentlemen Vol IX @Waldschänke Dornheim, 23:00h:
All the best music from 1978 until 1992. Get on the dancefloor and enjoy the night at this gorgeous venue.
5 Jahre MS Zufriedenheit @MS Zufriedenheit, 23:45h:
Happy Birthday, MS Zufriedenheit! It's been five years already? Tempus fugit... Let's celebrate and be surprised what the venue has prepared for us tonight.
Friday Night Rock @Labyrinth, 21:00h:
Rock rock rock all night! Also there will be special offers on beer: pay one, get two!
XXL Jenga @Babelfish Hostel, 20:00h:
This huge version of the classic game Jenga promises fun and joy for all. Every brick comes with hilarious objectives.
SATURDAY 17 November:
Feiern statt Bayern Vol. II @Kellerperle, 18:00h:
Oppression, new police laws, and discrimination? We say no, and we're saying it loud. Let's have a party with lots of live music, performance and information.
Singt ojf Jiddisch @FreiRaum, 20:00h:
Yiddish songs and stories all night long. Join in and have a great evening getting to know the language of the Jewish population in European diaspora.
Klub D'Amour @Kurt & Komisch, 23:00h:
Ecke Prenz from Berlin is here and this is going to get wild! Disco, Rap, Soul, and some Crazy Joints all night long. Let's dance!
Let's meet! International Saturday @Babelfish Hostel, 19:00h:
Meet nice people and improve your language skills. All languages welcome. Let's have some fun!
SUNDAY 18 November:
Candlelight Yoga @Studio 108, 17:00h:
Full relaxation with yoga, candles, and a great surrounding. Enjoy your Sunday. You deserve this.
Schnitzel Day @Jenseits, 11:00h:
For the last day of the week we recommend all Schnitzels for 8,50€!
Game Night @Babelfish Hostel, 20:30h:
Join us and our guests for a fun night with card or board games and much more!
Zuletzt geändert am: Nov 12 2018 um 1:13 PM
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