MONDAY 13 August:
Guinnes Day @Irish Pixie, 18:00h:
Monday again? Better have a Guinness!
All bottled Guinness beers are only 3,30€ today.
Getränkepyramide @Club Katze, 22:00h:
During the first hour every drink is only 1€. With every hour the drinks become more expensive. Better go there early.
BBQ @Babelfish Hostel, 20:00h:
Monday is sausage day! Join us on the terrace for a beautiful evening with German bratwurst.
TUESDAY 14 August:
Yanuwa x Lion Bakman @Waldschänke Dornheim, 21:00h:
Yanuwa invites great artists of electronic music to the Dornheim. This is the perfect occasion to dance and have fun on a Tuesday.
Meister Lampe & Pauli Rocket @MS Zufriedenheit, 23:30h:
Meister Lampe presents Pauli Rocket. The Techno artist has become famous in big cities and clubs of Europe and today is going to set dancehalls on fire in Würzburg.
Monkey Disko @Labyrinth, 22:00h:
Do the monkey and enjoy Tuesday Night!
Special offer on many drinks and the best chips in town are provided all night. You like Indie, Rock, Pop, Alternative? This is the place to be tonight.
City Tour @Babelfish Hostel, 17:30h:
Join us for our free city tour and explore beautiful and hidden spots in Würzburg!
WEDNESDAY 15 August:
Language Exchange Tandem Meetup @Café MartinZ, 19:00h:
Tandem up and learn new languages. All tongues and levels are welcome. Let's have a great time together.
Autorentreffen (Authors' Meeting) @Standard, 19:00h:
Writers, poets, authors and everyone else who is writing text on their own is welcome to talk about their products and have a great evening.
Sneak Preview @CinemaxX, 20:30h:
Discover an unreleased film before everone else at this great Sneak Preview!
Beer Tasting @Babelfish Hostel, 19:30h:
Life is full of difficult choices, such as which beer to drink at the hostel bar. Tonight you will get a free tasting of all them!
THURSDAY 16 August:
Yoga @FreiRaum, 17:00h:
Free Yoga courses take place at the FreiRaum every Thursday.
Pub Crawl @Babelfish Hostel, 21:30h:
On this very special guided tour you will explore bars and pubs in Würzburg. Let's crawl!
FRIDAY 17 August:
Concert: Defiance & Obscene Revenge @Immerhin, 21:00h:
Defiance are legends of Anarcho Punk and Street Punk. Their concert might be like a 90s flashback to many guests and it will absolutely be awesome. Join the Portland Anarchos and their support act Obscene Revenge for a fun night at the Immerhin.
Gay.Volution @Zauberberg, 22:00h:
The great gay.Volution opens its doors again. Great music and special offers on drinks are guaranteed all night. Party for all LGBTQIA+ and friends.
Friday Night Rock @Labyrinth, 21:00h:
Rock rock rock all night! Also there will be special offers on beer: pay one, get two!
XXL Jenga @Babelfish Hostel, 20:00h:
This huge version of the classic game Jenga promises fun and joy for all. Every brick comes with hilarious objectives.
SATURDAY 18 August:
myWürzburg Language Exchange @Café MartinZ, 19:00h:
All languages welcome! Come join us and talk, learn and enjoy languages of all over the world. Afterwards we're having a party at La Bamba.
90s Party @Labyrinth, 22:00h:
From Coco Jambo to Kurt Cobain and from Britney Spears to Tic Tac Toe: this night we'll celebrate the 90s. Better get some colourful dresses because we're about to have fun tonight.
SUNDAY 19 August:
Schnitzel Day @Jenseits, 11:00h:
For the last day of the week we recommend all Schnitzels for 8,50€!
Game Night @Babelfish Hostel, 20:30h:
Join us and our guests for a fun night with card or board games and much more!
Zuletzt geändert am: Aug 13 2018 um 12:00 PM
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