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This week in Würzburg: 13 January bis 19 January 2020

Veröffentlicht von Rapha am Jan 12 2020

MONDAY 13 January:

Vegane VoKü @Café Cairo, 17:30h:

Have a great vegan meal for a small donation and meet amazing people.
All donations go to VEG who engage in green agriculture and eco-sustainable education.

Foodsharing @ESG, 19:00h:

Bring some food, share, eat, and enjoy.
The ESG team is providing a comfortable atmosphere for a joyful and chatty evening.

Vortrag: Würzburger*innen gegen Hitler und Franco @Theater am Neunerplatz, 19:30h:

[event in German language]
Journalist Wolfgang Jung erzählt die Geschichten von Menschen in Würzburg, die sich dem Faschismus widersetzt haben.
Es sind Geschichten, die verdrängt werden sollten, aber niemals vergessen werden dürfen.

Theater: Jack the Ripper @Stadtmensa, 20:00h:

[event in German language]
Der Horror im Osten Londons hört nicht auf.
Wann wird Jack the Ripper das nächste Mal zuschlagen?
Kriminalstück von Cornelia Wagner.

Karaoke @Till Eulenspiegel, 20:00h:

Monday is Karaoke Day at the Till.
Choose your favourite songs and brighten up the first day of the week with your voice.

Yoga meets Acro Jam @FreiRaum, 20:30h:

After a short but goood warm-up, we'll jam.
Yoga and Acro!

Blue Monday Jazz Jam @Omnibus, 21:00h:

Jazz it up and jam!
Opening act: Alberto Díaz Castillo Trio.

Getränkepyramide @Club Katze, 22:00h:

22h-23h: all drinks 1€
23h-00h: all drinks 2€
01h-02h: all drinks 3€
02h-03h: all drinks 4€
03h-05h: all drinks 5€
Come early, save money.

City Tour @Babelfish Hostel, 16:00h:

Our very own free walking tour. Join us and explore Würzburg.

TUESDAY 14 January:

Lesung: Suerte oder der Teufelskreis des Glücks @Viertelkultur, 18:00h:

[event in German language]
Lesung und anschließende Diskussionsrunde mit Autor Frederik Suter.
Das Buch handelt vom 17jährigen Frederik dessen Leben sich durch Gehörverlust und Diagnose einer unheilbaren Krankheit schlagartig verändert.

Film: Spider Man - Far from Home @Max-Scheer-Hörsaal, 18:45h:

Class trips suck when Nick Fury shows up.
Peter Parker does not have enough for his lunch when monsters and aliens try to destroy Earth once more.

Concert: Nazareth / Uriah Heep / Wishbone Ash @Posthalle, 19:00h:

Music and Stories. Classic Rock Triple Feature.
Andy Scott presents
Wishbone Ash
Uriah Heep

Meditation @FreiRaum, 19:00h:

Time to relax and find your inner peace.

Theater: Jack the Ripper @Stadtmensa, 20:00h:

[event in German language]
Der Horror im Osten Londons hört nicht auf.
Wann wird Jack the Ripper das nächste Mal zuschlagen?
Kriminalstück von Cornelia Wagner.

Night of the dance @Congress Centrum, 20:00h:

Watch the Irish crew merge with Latin dancers from Pura Vida.
The event features the best of Riverdance, Lord of the Dance, Stomp, Dirty Fancing, Feet of Flames, and Circque du Soleil.

Beer Tasting @Babelfish, 20:30h:

Free beer tasting. Enjoy a sample of all the beer we are selling and learn something about beer.
Have you checked our beer guide, yet? 

WEDNESDAY 15 January:

Open Room @FreiRaum, 16:00h:

Twice a week the FreiRaum creates a utopian space where money or origin do nit matter.
Let's meet, talk, work, and have fun together.

Draft Tournament @Fantasy Spiele, 19:30h:

No magic set needed.
Join the table and play Draft!

Theater: Jack the Ripper @Stadtmensa, 20:00h:

[event in German language]
Der Horror im Osten Londons hört nicht auf.
Wann wird Jack the Ripper das nächste Mal zuschlagen?
Kriminalstück von Cornelia Wagner.

Theater: 5 Kilo Zucker @Mainfrankentheater, 20:00h:

[event in German language]
Regisseur Gur möchte gerade auf Lehramt umsatteln.
Da erscheint ihm der Geist seines Großvaters.
Erfährt er nun, was es mit den 5 Kilo Zucker auf sich hat?

Comedy Slam @Café Cairo, 20:00h:

Andy Sauerwein presents the battle of the jokes.
Vote for the most hilarious performer.

Double @Odeon, 23:00h:

Buy one, get on free.
Counts for drinks, admission fees, jackets at the wardrobe, ...

Let's Talk @Babelfish Hostel, 19:00h:

International Meet Ups invite you to a chatty night at our tables.
Let's talk. All laguages welcome.

THURSDAY 16 January:

Theater: Kabale und Liebe @Mainfrankentheater, 18:00h:

[event in German language]
Friedrich Schiller's Drama über die komplizierte Liebe von Luise und Ferdinand.
Was wird obsiegen? Stand und Hegemonie oder Liebe und Sinnlichkeit?

Concert: Egisson @Viertelkultur, 18:30h:

Singer and sowngwriter from Leipzig.
Egisson writes and produces warming, deep and reflecting songs.
Click here to listen

Yoga @FreiRaum, 19:00h:

Free Yoga courses take place at the FreiRaum every Thursday.

Listening Cult @Kult, 20:00h:

Terrorambient, Postindustrial Mysticism, Anti-Neofolk.
Albina from Leipzig and Christian from Würzburg create Noise collages at their turntables.

Theater: Jack the Ripper @Stadtmensa, 20:00h:

[event in German language]
Der Horror im Osten Londons hört nicht auf.
Wann wird Jack the Ripper das nächste Mal zuschlagen?
Kriminalstück von Cornelia Wagner.

Theater: Zwei wie Bonnie und Clyde @Chambinzky, 20:00h:

[event in German language]
Manni und Chantal brauchen Geld.
Da kommt nur ein Banküberfall in Frage.
Ob das wohl gut ausgeht?

Monkey Disko @Labyrinth, 22:00h:

Do the monkey!
Rock, Pop, Alternative.
Shots: 1€
Longdrinks: 3€

Pub Crawl @Babelfish, 21:00h:

Let's crawl.
You will get to know some of the fanciest pubs and bars in town.

FRIDAY 17 January:

Concert: Yaga / Kant / Die wilden Mettbrötchen @L Club, 19:00h:

Yaga (Alternative/Indie Pop, Würzburg)
Kant (60s Rock, Aschaffenburg)
Die wilden Mettbrötchen (Singer and Songwriter Duo)

Concert: gestört aber geiL @Posthalle, 19:00h:

German Pop Music.
Lighthouse Music presents this great event with manifold acts.

Concert: Tanzkinder @Nähcafé Edeltraud, 20:00h:

Reggae and Dancehall.
It is about to get hot at the Edeltraud.

Theater: Zwei wie Bonnie und Clyde @Chambinzky, 20:00h:

[event in German language]
Manni und Chantal brauchen Geld.
Da kommt nur ein Banküberfall in Frage.
Ob das wohl gut ausgeht?

Concert: Pay what you want @b-hof, 20:30h:

Live on stage:
Chade (Rock)
Deaf Elephant (Hard Rock)
Thunderkant (Alternative)
Kollektiv Kowalski (Kollekiv Rock)

Concert: Ma Soul @Omnibus, 21:00h:

Pop and Soul with Ma Soul.
Vocalist Illa from SouL Elements has gathered some great musicians around her.

Gay.Volution @Zauberberg, 22:00h:

Würzburg's biggest LBTQIA+ party.
First Gay.Volution in 2020!

Friday Night Rock @Labyrinth, 22:00h:

Two for one on all bottled beers.
Rock, Punk, Indie, Metal on the dancefloor.
Fries and other yummies at the bistro.

Solar Off @Waldschänke Dornheim, 23:00h:

Winter closing party.
Electro, Techno, House and much more.

Time Out @airport, 23:00h:

Techno with DJ (Vinyl only), Daniel Seubert, and Mario Angelo.
Time Out!

Repeat @odeon, 23:00h:

Best of 2019 on repeat.
It's throw back Friday.

XXL Jenga @Babelfish Hostel, 20:30h:

This huge version of the classic game Jenga promises fun and joy for all. Every brick comes with hilarious objectives.

SATURDAY 18 January:

After Hour @L Club, 06:00h:

Techno After Hour.
At the turntables: Matthieu & Jugan.

Beast Games @McFit, 08:00h:

Can you go beast mode?
Show off your strength at this competition.

Ladies Rock Night @b-hof, 19:30h:

Female vocalists of Rock.
Dying for Dignity
Stop Inside

Bailamos Latin Night @Hotel Melchior, 20:00h:

20:00h: Bachata lesson
21:00h: Party

Concert: Seattle Jay / The Good Hex @Café Cairo, 20:30h:

Seattly Jay (Indie/Grunge)
The Good Hex (Noise/Post-Punk)

Concert: Clapton Experience @Omnibus, 21:00h:

A three-hour tribute show? No problem for the Clapton Experience.
If only we knew whom they covered...

Nu Metal @Labyrinth, 22:00h:

Remember the times when Papa Roach, P.O.D. or Limp Bizkit were considered cool?
If so, you will love this party.

90s & 00s Party @Posthalle, 22:00h:

Two floors, one party.
Easily switch between two influential decades.

Deborah de Luca @airport, 22:00h:

Harsh Techno and Minimal Groove.
Listen here

Solar Off @Waldschänke Dornheim, 23:00h:

Winter closing party.
Electro, Techno, House and much more.

Let's Meet! International Saturday @Babelfish Hostel, 19:00h:

International MeetUps are at the hostel. Meet people, improve your language skills, and have a great time.

SUNDAY 19 January:

Open Room @FreiRaum, 16:00h:

Twice a week the FreiRaum creates a utopian space where money or origin do nit matter.
Let's meet, talk, work, and have fun together.

Flea market @Kellerperle, 17:00h:

Lots of great second hand ware.
Want to sell stuff yourselves? Contact the organisators until Friday 17/01.

Mucial: Evita @Mainfrankentheater, 19:30h:

Webber and Rice present: Evita.
The story of Eva Duarte de Perón.

Theater: Zwei wie Bonnie und Clyde @Chambinzky, 20:00h:

[event in German language]
Manni und Chantal brauchen Geld.
Da kommt nur ein Banküberfall in Frage.
Ob das wohl gut ausgeht?

Game Night @Babelfish Hostel, 20:30h:

Join us and our guests for a fun night with card or board games and much more!

Zuletzt geändert am: Jan 12 2020 um 4:15 PM

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