"Colori e sapori" @
Franz-Oberthür-Schule, 07:30h:
The photographer's senior year of Franz-Oberthür-Schule present their colourful pictures from their recent excursion to Liguria. Their photos express the variety of colours and flavours around the metropolitan area of Genova.
MONDAY, 13 March:
Cinema show:
Musicals @
Kellerperle, 20:45h:
Musicals will be shown on screen, while you can have snacks and drinks at the friendly bar. Free entry! (Donations are welcome).
Glenn Miller Orchestra @Congress Centrum, 20:00h:
Wil Salden and his Big Band invite you for a time travel back to the 30s and 40s when Jazz and Swing were en vogue.
It's Glenn Miller time!"
Jam Session:
Wunschlos Jazzig @
Wunschlos Glücklich, 19:00h:
Open Jam Session for all lovers of Jazz Music. Enjoy the atmosphere between comfortable armchairs, fancy drinks and snacks and a jazzy jam. Free entry!
TUESDAY, 14 March:
StuDienstag (students' tuesday) @
Labyrinth, 22:00h:
Special offers on drinks; students and pupils get in for free.
Between table football, pool billard, several bars, a bistro and an outside area there is a dancefloor where you can listen to the best of Indie, Rock and Alternative Music.
Stabil Elite & Mutandini Karl @
Café Cairo, 20:30h:
Stabil Elite revolutionized Electronic Synth Pop with their Album "Douze Pouze". They are seen as the new top seller in European Electronic Music apart from Kraftwerk and DAF. They will be supported by Frankfurt's finest Wave-Pop-Group Muntandini Karl.
WEDNESDAY, 15 March:
Sneak Preview @
CinemaxX, 20:30h:
Do you like surprises and do you want to see what's new in cinemas before everybody else does?
Here you can be the first to watch a completely new film without knowing which one it will be until the very last moment. Tickets are only 5,90€.
Niila @
Posthalle, 20:00h:
The finnish Singer and Songwriter
Niila has become a real shooting star lately. On his tour through Central Europe he thankfully also gives a concert in the Posthalle which is only five minutes to walk from the Babelfish Hostel.
THURSDAY; 16 March:
Nachtseminar @
Boot, 22:00h:
The DJs Chainsaw and Marco Mara play on the two decks of the boat. If you love R'n'B, Funk, Soul or House, this might be the right place for you tonight.
Knorkator @
Posthalle, 20:30h:
Germany's funniest and craziest Metal Band is back! Their shows are legendary and definitely worth watching.
FRIDAY, 17 March:
Holger Paetz "Ekstase in Würde" @
Bockshorn, 20:15h:
(whole event is in German)
Holger Paetz bewegt sich mit schwarzhumoristischen Analysen zwischen Veitstanz, Orgasmus und der Frage, was eigentlich deutsche Ekstase sein soll.
Pink Friday @Zauberberg, 22:00h:
Gay.Volution presents one of the best queer parties for all LGBTQ+ and friends. Happy Hour is from 22.00 to 23.00.
SATURDAY, 18 March:
Remember the Times @
Labyrinth, 22:00h:
Member Milli Vanilli? And member Jacko? Or how about Chaka Khan and Dr. Alban?
If you member, you should go there!
Nokouts @
MS Zufriedenheit, 23:00h:
This night there will be two special guests: Dave Aju (Berlin/San Francisco) and Metaboman (Jena) will make you move on the dancefloor. Expect a wild night full of House and Techno Music.
SUNDAY, 19 March:
Theatre (for children):
Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland @
Theater Ensemble, 15:30h:
The world famous play will be shown with some funny extras and is suitable not only for children.
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