MONDAY 18 June:
Vegan BBQ @Café Cairo, 17:30h:
Our friends from Viva con Agua Würzburg are preparing some yummy vegan barbecue today. Pay what you want and enjoy the beautiful atmosphere at Café Cairo's backyard.
Guinnes Day @Irish Pixie, 18:00h:
Monday again? Better have a Guinness!
All bottled Guinness beers are only 3,30€ today.
BBQ @Babelfish Hostel, 20:00h:
Monday is sausage day! Join us on the terrace for a beautiful evening with German bratwurst.
TUESDAY 19 June:
Monkey Disko @Labyrinth, 22:00h:
Do the monkey and enjoy Tuesday Night!
Special offer on many drinks and the best chips in town are provided all night. You like Indie, Rock, Pop, Alternative? This is the place to be tonight.
City Tour @Babelfish Hostel, 17:30h:
Join us for our free city tour and explore beautiful and hidden spots in Würzburg!
Hörsaal Slam @Max Scheer Hörsaal, 19:00h:
Poetry Slam in the lecture hall!
Enjoy the best of comedy, poetry and stage performance while Sara Teamusician is filling the gaps with her gorgeous voice.
Beer Tasting @Babelfish Hostel, 19:30h:
Life is full of difficult choices, such as which beer to drink at the hostel bar. Tonight you will get a free tasting of all them!
Umsonst & Draußen Festival, 17:00h:
The first day of the greatest festival in Würzburg.
Open Air Stage:
17:15h Michael Diehl
17:45h Klub Erika
19:10h The Whiskey Foundation
20:40h Brothers of Santa Claus
22:00h Thomas Oliver
Tent Stage:
17:20h Derry's Revenge
18:40h Cow of the Camel
20:00h Adrian Millarr
21:25h DerWeg Einer Freiheit
22:55h Violet Skies
23:59h Würvar Night Varieté
U25 Stage:
18:40h Leaving Spirit
20:10h Hate Me Tomorrow
Circus Stage:
17:30h U20 Poetry Slam
19:30h Unbesiegt
20:45h Savanna Skean
22:00h Matze Wolf
Yoga @FreiRaum, 17:00h:
Free Yoga courses take place at the FreiRaum every Thursday.
Pub Crawl @Babelfish Hostel, 21:30h:
On this very special guided tour you will explore bars and pubs in Würzburg. Let's crawl!
FRIDAY 22 June:
Umsonst & Draußen Festival, 17:00h:
Day two and the party's going on!
Open Air Stage:
17:10h RocknRollics
18:35h Conrads Kartell
20:05h Navarone
21:40h Bons Balls
23:05h Ian Fisher
Tent Stage:
17:20h Two for You
18:40h Slize & Mighty
20:00h Bosca
21:30h [LEAK]
23:00h Marvin Brooks
23:59h Würzburger Kneipenchor
U25 Stage:
18:05h Lucent Lama
19:30h The Hoods
21:10h Suns of Örenda
Circus Stage:
17:30h 7Beatz
19:30h Duo 10saitig
21:15h Burkhard Schmidl & Jochen Volpert
22:45h Ami Lyons
XXL Jenga @Babelfish Hostel, 20:00h:
This huge version of the classic game Jenga promises fun and joy for all. Every brick comes with hilarious objectives.
Umsonst & Draußen Festival, 13:00h
Three days' the charme?
Open Air Stage:
13:35h Madya
15:00h Illustrators
16:35h Nump
18:10h Fuck Art, Let's Dance!
19:45h Louka
21:30h Lilly Among Clouds
23:00h The Attic Sleepers
Tent Stage:
13:15h Seattle Jay
14:25h Crash Kidz
15:45h Tulipmania
17:00h Trinity Site
18:30h Zement
20:00h Prada Meinhoff
21:30h Hildegard von Binge Drinking
23:00h Avec
U25 Stage:
13:10h Das Ãœberbleibsel
14:30h Lurid Sunset
16:05h Est.17
17:35h The Human Computers
19:10h Infinite Space
20:55h Ella John
Circus Stage:
14:00 Franz der Knallfrosch
15:30h Die gnadenlose Clownshow
17:00h Franz der Knallfrosch
18:30h Die gnadenlose Clownshow
20:00h El Carpintero
21:15h Klappe - die Fünfte
SUNDAY 24 June:
Umsonst & Draußen Festival, 11:00h:
The Green Stage opens today!
Open Air Stage:
11:00h Gospelmess with One One & One
13:00h Show me Your Skillz
16:10h Mosaik
17:35h Frachter
19:10h The Tremolettes
20:50h The Busters
Tent Stage:
13:15h Aru
14:15h Karan
16:15h No Nonsense Band
17:45h Hazel the Nut
19:15h The Ron Lemons
20:45h Der Kaktus
U25 Stage:
17:05h John Grey
18:35h Pulswerk
20:15h Mairimaisl
Circus Stage:
14:00h Der kleine Rabe Socke
15:30h Ein Schnabel voller Glück
17:00h Geraldinos Schatzkiste
18:30h Geraldinos Schatzkiste
20:00h Enchiridion
21:15h Feuerbach Quartett feat. Martin Suda
Green Stage:
10:59h Music Picknick
11:00h Egotherapie
11:30h Sascha Santorineos
12:00h Winson Smith
Schnitzel Day @Jenseits, 11:00h:
For the last day of the week we recommend all Schnitzels for 8,50€!
Game Night @Babelfish Hostel, 20:30h:
Join us and our guests for a fun night with card or board games and much more!
Zuletzt geändert am: Jun 18 2018 um 11:20 AM
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