MONDAY 22 January:
Concert: Antilopen Gang, Support: Veedel Kaztro @Posthalle, 19:00h:
Antilopen Gang are back in town! Political rap music, lots of fun and some pizza!
The German trio makes a stop in our beautiful town on their AUA tournee and they are about to put some beautiful colours into the grey image of January. Join them for a great party with support act Veedel Kaztro.
Guiness Day @Irish Pixie, 19:00h:
How to start this week? We say, Guinness!
In the gorgeous Irish Pub in Karmelitenstraße today every Guinness is only 3,30€. Join some more hungover people and begin the new year just the way you ended the old one. Sláinte!
City Tour @Babelfish Hostel, 17:00h:
Join us for our free city tour and explore beautiful and hidden spots in Würzburg!
TUESDAY 23 January:
Cinema: International films with subtitles @Central im Bürgerbräu:
The beautiful Central Cinema presents some more films in original language with German subtitles:
Darkest Hour (Great Britain), 20:30h and
L'amant double (France/Belgium), 20:45h
Monkey Party @Labyrinth, 21:00h:
Tuesday is Laby day! Free adission for all pupils and students until Midnight! DJs Chainsaw and Lucky will provide you with the best of Rock, Alternative, Indie, Pop, Beats and All-time Favourites. Special offers on drinks? Yes, we can! Longdrinks are 3€, Augustiner, Bayreuther and Desperados beer 3,50€, Pils only 2,50€ and nougat shots only 1€. Can't getenough? The laby has yummy snacks, foosball, pool billard tables and a gorgeous outside area not only for the smokers.
Foosball Tournament @Babelfish Hostel, 20:00h:
Get ready for some table football! The Babelfish foosball cup is a great chance for lovers of pub sports.
WEDNESDAY 24 January:
Kizomba course @La Bamba, 20:00h:
Join Luiz Salsa and his great team on the dance floor to learn to dance the Kizomba! The first hour is for advanced dancers, at 9pm the beginners can join and after all the dance floor will be opened so everyone can test their new skills.
There's no Rambazamba without La Bamba!
Beer Tasting @Babelfish Hostel, 20:30h:
Life is full of difficult choices, such as which beer to drink at the hostel bar. Tonight you will get a free tasting of all them!
THURSDAY 25 January:
Concert: Pom Poko @Kellerperle, 19:30h:
Pay what you want!
Pom Poko are a Norwegian quartet who play an experimental mix of Alternative Rock and Indie Pop, while claiming to be a K-Pop Band themselves. Bizarre Rhythms, clean riffs and lots of punky freakness are to be expected.
Pub Crawl @Babelfish Hostel, 20:30h:
On this very special guided tour you will explore bars and pubs in Würzburg. Let's crawl!
FRIDAY 26 January:
Tolkien Stammtisch @Standard, 19:00h:
Hobbits, Elves and Dwarves, watch out! The companion of the ring is about to meet at Standard.
Fans of all Tolkien works, books, documentaries, films, and much more can meet new and old friends here. Have a drink, have some good food and enjoy a great evening within the marvellous universe of J.R.R. Tolkien.
SpaceVibes & Kosmik Klaus go Filmwochenende @Cairo, 22:30h:
Within the scope of the international film weekend the SpaceVibes and Kosmik Klaus have prepared a very special audio-visual show for tonight. The SpaceVibes play psychedelic Krautrock with Space elements, while Kosmik Klaus will accompany them with his Solar Sea Slide Show. Join the space ship, the admission is free!
XXL Jenga @Babelfish Hostel, 20:00h:
This huge version of the classic game Jenga promises fun and joy for all. Every brick comes with hilarious objectives.
SATURDAY 27 January:
Freakshow Idiot Dancing Party @Immerhin, 21:00h:
Freakshow concerts present another great party for all of you who love extraordinary music. Jazz? Metal? Rock? Fusion? Psychedelic? Much more or a bit of all? You'll be served for sure! Put on your shoes and get ready to do the idiot dance.
Free admission.
A Strange Effect - Schwarz Occvltronischer Tanzabend @Standard, 22:00h:
When black isn't black enough for you, this is your event!
Cold and Synth-Wave, Post-Punk, Minimal, Industrial and In Death It Ends all night. Madame Elektra and Morthek provide you with the darkest music you can imagine while M.H. + K. support them with a lightshow blacker than the night. Whatever clothes you wear - dye them black!
MS Vice @MS Zufriedenheit, 23:00h:
Join MC Rider for this throwback party and dance right into the eighties. New Wave, Synth Pop, Glamrock, Post-Punk and Underground all night long. Fans of Talking Heads, Devo, The Cure, The Smiths, Pixies, Falco, Kraftwerk, Blondie, David Bowie, Foreigner, Journey and Fleetwood Mac will be super happy here tonight.
SUNDAY 28 January:
Schnitzel Day @Jenseits, 11:00h:
This week might end with a Schnitzel. Or two? Anyways, today all Schnitzels with chips and salad are only 8,50€.
Game Night @Babelfish Hostel, 20:30h:
Join us and our guests for a fun night with card or board games and much more!
Zuletzt geändert am: Jan 22 2018 um 12:41 PM
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