MONDAY 24 June:
Theatre: Terror @Stadtmensa, 20:00h:
Welcome to court. You are the jury in a hearing of Major Lars Koch who is accuused of having killed several people. A terrorist threatened to crash a captured airplane into a crowded football stadium. Jet fighter Lars Koch disregarded his orders and show the plane down. How will you decide?
Cocktail Casino @Besitos, 20:00h:
If you like to gamble, this is your event. Roll the dice and get the price of your next drink. Easy as pie.
Yoga meets Acro @FreiRaum, 20:30h:
Let's fly! Yoga and Acro are creating a beautiful jam when combined.
City Tour @Babelfish Hostel, 16:00h:
Our very own free walking tour. Join us and explore Würzburg.
TUESDAY 25 June:
Internationaler Abend @Botanischer Garten, 18:30h:
International evening at the botanical garden. Enjoy a great night out with live music, and many specials for free.
Theatre: Terror @Stadtmensa, 20:00h:
Welcome to court. You are the jury in a hearing of Major Lars Koch who is accuused of having killed several people. A terrorist threatened to crash a captured airplane into a crowded football stadium. Jet fighter Lars Koch disregarded his orders and show the plane down. How will you decide?
Rum Party @MS Zufriedenheit, 22:00h:
The dentists are celebrating their examination. How, you ask? With rum and music!
Offener Spieleabend @KHG, 19:00h:
Open game night! All players are welcome to come together and have a beautiful evening with card games, board games, conversation, and much more.
Sneak Preview @CinemaxX, 20:30h:
Discover an unreleased film before everone else at this great Sneak Preview!
Monkey Disko @Labyrinth, 22:00h:
Rock, Indie, Alternative. Do the monkey, have some drinks, enjoy the great, or play some foosball and billard.
Barbecue @Babelfish Hostel, 18:30h:
Hungry? Today we're offering a free Franconian sausage for our guests.
Drink & Draw @Café Cairo, 18:00h:
Creativity, live jam session, and vegan communal kitchen in one. Grab some pens or brushes, or an instrument, and enjoy the food.
Kleiderschenkparty @FreiRaum, 18:00h:
Come together for this huge and friendly exchange of clothes. This is better than second-hand. This is true social.
Theatre: Terror @Stadtmensa, 20:00h:
Welcome to court. You are the jury in a hearing of Major Lars Koch who is accuused of having killed several people. A terrorist threatened to crash a captured airplane into a crowded football stadium. Jet fighter Lars Koch disregarded his orders and show the plane down. How will you decide?
Open Air Theatre @Umweltstation, 20:00h:
Enjoy great theatre under an open sky.
Let's Talk! International Wednesday @Café MartinZ, 19:00h:
Meet nice people and improve your language skills. All languages welcome. Let's have some fun!
Pub Crawl @Babelfish Hostel, 21:00h:
At this very special city tour we're showing you our favourite bars and pubs.
UferWeinFest @Randersacker Mainparkplatz, 15:00h:
In the beautiful town Randersacker (easily accessible from Würzburg via bus or bicycle) there is a great wine fest taking place. Enjoy the presentation of the young vintners of Randersacker.
Science Slam @University Library, 19:00h:
Four alumni of Würzburg University are presenting thrilling science in an entertaining way. It's going to be fun and interesting at the same time.
Festungsflimmern @Castle Marienberg, 19:00h:
Open air cinema at the castle in Würzburg! Enjoy great pictures within a beautiful environment.
Theatre: Terror @Stadtmensa, 20:00h:
Welcome to court. You are the jury in a hearing of Major Lars Koch who is accuused of having killed several people. A terrorist threatened to crash a captured airplane into a crowded football stadium. Jet fighter Lars Koch disregarded his orders and show the plane down. How will you decide?
Open Air Theatre @Umweltstation, 20:00h:
Enjoy great theatre under an open sky.
Yoga @FreiRaum, 17:00h:
Free Yoga courses take place at the FreiRaum every Thursday.
Beer Tasting @Babelfish Hostel, 19:30h:
Difficult choices such as which beer to drink don't play a role tonight because we're offering a free tasting of all the beer we sell.
FRIDAY 28 June:
UferWeinFest @Randersacker Mainparkplatz, 15:00h:
In the beautiful town Randersacker (easily accessible from Würzburg via bus or bicycle) there is a great wine fest taking place. Enjoy the presentation of the young vintners of Randersacker.
Konkrete Fete @MiKs / Kulturspeicher, 17:00h:
Rooftop terrace party! After some guidance by the organsators, there will be some live Blues and Indie Rock with Lama Karma, and later there's going to be a dance party with several DJs.
Festungsflimmern @Castle Marienberg, 19:00h:
Open air cinema at the castle in Würzburg! Enjoy great pictures within a beautiful environment.
Improv: Drei Männer für ein Cello @Kellerperle, 20:00h:
What will happen when three men encounter a cello? Can you imagine? You better watch this because it is going to be hilarious.
Open Air Theatre @Umweltstation, 20:00h:
Enjoy great theatre under an open sky.
Pyjama Party @Immerhin, 21:00h:
Put on your sleeping dress and enjoy a great night at the Immerhin.
Caribbean Fever @Zauberberg, 22:00h:
It's getting hot in here! Dance through the night with Reggae, Hip Hop, Dancehall, and Afrobeats. DJ Gatjen is ready to party.
Meditation will Manifest @MS Zufriedenheit, 23:30h:
Tonight's special guest is Zozo from Istanbul. Enjoy the meditation of electronic music. Guests of the Konkrete Fete at MiKs get a discount on the admission fee.
Friday Night Rock @Labyrinth, 21:00h:
Rock rock rock all night! Also there will be special offers on beer: pay one, get two!
XXL Jenga @Babelfish Hostel, 20:00h:
This huge version of the classic game Jenga promises fun and joy for all. Every brick comes with hilarious objectives.
StreetFood Festival @Airport, 11:00h:
Lots of trucks and booths with fantastic street food, music, entertainment, drinks and much more.
Airshow @Flugplatz Schenkenturm, 12:00h:
Sky is the limit? Let's see. Watch professional pilots demonstrate their skills in aviating.
UferWeinFest @Randersacker Mainparkplatz, 15:00h:
In the beautiful town Randersacker (easily accessible from Würzburg via bus or bicycle) there is a great wine fest taking place. Enjoy the presentation of the young vintners of Randersacker.
Jazz for Nepal @Umweltstation, 18:00h:
Beneficial open air Jazz event with Good God Organ Trio, No Nonsense Band, and Margarita Gonzalez and her Orchestra los Cucaracha-cha. All money collected will be donated to a development aid project in Kathmandu.
Nacht der Wissenschaft @Max-Scheer-Hörsaal, 18:00h:
It's the night of science. Physicians and astrophysicians have prepared some interesting presentations for you. Be there and you might learn something.
Festungsflimmern @Castle Marienberg, 19:00h:
Open air cinema at the castle in Würzburg! Enjoy great pictures within a beautiful environment.
Concert: Sara Teamusician @Denckler Block, 19:30h:
The great Sara Teamusician is playing an open air concert in the comfortable backyard of the Dencklerblock tonight. Come to together for great music, food, drinks, and atmosphere.
Theatre: MacBeth @KHG, 20:30h:
Shakespeare's masterpiece live on stage.
Concert: Captain Crack / Planet Watson / Dogfight @Immerhin, 21:00h:
This is going to be an amazing Punk Rock night! CD release party with Würzburg's Captain Crack, and fantastic support by Planet Watson and Dogfight.
Nu Metal @Labyrinth, 22:00h:
Remember the times when there was Nu Metal? Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Papa Roach, Adema, P.O.D., and many more will be played tonight.
SUNDAY 30 June:
Yoga Workshop: Aesthetics in dance and chant @yogandi, 09:30h:
Come together when Caroline is leading you on a path to your inner self, and explore the beauty in dance and singing.
StreetFood Festival @Airport, 11:00h:
Lots of trucks and booths with fantastic street food, music, entertainment, drinks and much more.
Guided Tour: Elfenbein & Ewigkeit @University Library, 11:00h & 14:00h:
Dive into the past of academic life in Würzburg and learn about the explorations of Würzburg University whithin the last 400 years.
UferWeinFest @Randersacker Mainparkplatz, 15:00h:
In the beautiful town Randersacker (easily accessible from Würzburg via bus or bicycle) there is a great wine fest taking place. Enjoy the presentation of the young vintners of Randersacker.
Festungsflimmern @Castle Marienberg, 19:00h:
Open air cinema at the castle in Würzburg! Enjoy great pictures within a beautiful environment.
Open Air Theatre @Umweltstation, 20:00h:
Enjoy great theatre under an open sky.
Schnitzel Day @Jenseits, 11:00h:
For the last day of the week we recommend all Schnitzels for 8,50€!
Game Night @Babelfish Hostel, 20:00h:
Join us and our guests for a fun night with card or board games and much more!
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