MONDAY 28 January:
Felix Lobrecht @Posthalle, 20:00h:
Felix Lobrecht is back on stage and he has some interesting, funny and extraordinary stories to tell. Be there when Felix Lobrecht is presenting his new program "HYPE".
Blue Monday Jazz Session @Omnibus, 21:00h:
Don't get the Monday Blues, have some Monday Jazz! Get together with great musicians and friendly people, and join the stage for this beautiful jam session.
Yoga meets Acro @FreiRaum, 20:30h:
Let's fly! Yoga and Acro are creating a beautiful jam when combined.
City Tour @Babelfish Hostel, 16:30h:
Enjoy a free tour with our colleague showing off the beauty of our town.
TUESDAY 29 January:
Neujahrkonzert @Kellerperle, 19:00h:
Happy New Year! The Chicken Swings Big Band is celebrating the belated arrival in the year 2019. Jazz it up and celebrate.
BlacKkKlansman @Max-Scheer-Hörsaal, 19:00h:
Movie night at the university. BlacKkKlansman tells the real story an African American Police Officer who planned to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan in Colorado in the Seventies. The film will be shown in English.
Offener Spieleabend @KHG, 19:00h:
Open game night! All players are welcome to come together and have a beautiful evening with card games, board games, conversation, and much more.
Cooking with Julian @Babelfish Hostel, 19:00h:
Enjoy a great meal with Julian.
Pub Crawl @Babelfish Hostel, 21:00h:
Get together in the best bars and pubs in town. Let's crawl!
WEDNESDAY 30 January:
Gatte gegrillt @Chambinzky, 20:00h:
It's time for some comedy. Debbie Isitt's drama Gatte gegrillt is full of dark humour and sardonic fun.
Sneak Preview @CinemaxX, 20:30h:
Discover an unreleased film before everone else at this great Sneak Preview!
Let's Talk! International Wednesday @Babelfish Hostel, 19:00h:
Meet nice people and improve your language skills. All languages welcome. Let's have some fun!
THURSDAY 31 January:
Comedy Lounge @Café Cairo, 19:30h:
Laughter is the best medicine, they once said. Better be ready for a lots of laughs with Andy Sauerwein, Helmuth Steierwald, Thomas Schreckenberger, and Thomas Kupferschmidt.
Tschick @Theater am Neunerplatz, 19:00h:
This play is based on the great book Tschick about two school boys and their weird, funny and somehow educational trip through Brandenburg.
Concert: Baldabiou @Wunschlos Glücklich, 20:00h:
The trio Baldabiou plays beautiful Neofolk and Folkrock with deep and catchy lyrics.
Worst of Chefkoch @Posthalle, 20:00h:
The worst recipes and creations of food will be presented to you by Lukas Diestel and Jonathan Löffelbein.
Concert: Nico Theo @Standard, 21:00h:
Fasten your seatbelts. The quintet Nico Theo is taking you on a journey from Würzburg to New York, to the Akropolis and even further.
Yoga @FreiRaum, 17:00h:
Free Yoga courses take place at the FreiRaum every Thursday.
Beer Tasting @Babelfish Hostel, 19:30h:
Difficult choices such as which beer to drink don't play a role tonight because we're offering a free tasting of all the beer we sell.
FRIDAY 01 February:
Gebrochenes Eis @Theater Augenblick, 19:30h:
Agent 008 is coming back to his home, but he feels strange there. Enjoy the funny and interesting story presented by Würzburg's greatest inclusive drama group.
Concert: Taskete! @b-hof, 20:00h:
Taskete! are a duo consisting of rock group Sportfreunde Stiller's drummer and noise group Harmful's guitar player. Support act are Würzburg's noise rockers Malm.
Concert: The Soul Alliance @Omnibus, 20:30h:
Te seven-piece Soul Alliance is back at the Omnibus. Nomen est omen. Let the Soul be with you.
Concert: Lead Zeppelin @Posthalle, 21:00h:
Led Zeppelin cover band at its best.
Midlife Club @airport, 21:00h:
Age is just a number and numers don't make boundaries. Get on the dance floor because age does not matter tonight.
Flirt Night @Zauberberg, 22:00h:
Bad Girls meet Bad Boys! This night it's all about the flirt. Special offers on Cuba Libre will get this party started.
Kids from the 80s play Hits from the 80s @Kurt & Komisch, 23:00h:
Eighties all night long with KIDCUT from Hannover. No trash, no bullshit.
You! Me! Dancing! @MS Zufriedenheit, 23:30h:
Indie Disco at its best. Indie Rock, Alternative, Electro and somehow Tronic all night long.
Friday Night Rock @Labyrinth, 21:00h:
Rock rock rock all night! Also there will be special offers on beer: pay one, get two!
XXL Jenga @Babelfish Hostel, 20:00h:
This huge version of the classic game Jenga promises fun and joy for all. Every brick comes with hilarious objectives.
SATURDAY 02 February:
Vintage Kilo Sale @Posthalle, 11:00h:
Outlet the vintage way. Buy your clothes and pay per kilogramm.
Brahms: Deutsches Requiem @St. Johannis Kirche, 18:00h:
Brahms' op. 45 and Lutoslawskis Musique funèbre will be played here today.
Universitätskonzert @Hochschule für Musik, 19:30h:
As the end of winter term is close, musicians from the conservatorium have prepared a great concert to show off their efforts.
Concert: Matija @Café Cairo, 20:00h:
Matija are visual music artists and they are here to present their newest work The Calling. Support act are Telquist.
Stammgastparty @LaViva, 21:00h:
Tonight all Beck's bottles are only 2€ and every glass of prosecco is only 1€.
Popular Gaydisco @Chambinzky, 21:30h:
Great LGBTQIA+ and friends' party at the theatre Chambinzky.
Abfahrt @airport, 22:00h:
Let's go! Ben Dust is here, and he will make you move on the dancefloor all night long. Techno party for dancers.
Apartment Zero presents JANEIN @Waldschänke Dornheim, 22:00h:
JANEIN from SEELEN is sharing the stage with the Apartment Zero Crew and Konekkt from Würzburg. House,, Deephouse and Techno all night long.
Tribute to Rammstein @Labyrinth, 22:00h:
Fans of Rammstein, you will love this night.
Let's meet! International Saturday @Babelfish Hostel, 19:00h:
Meet nice people and improve your language skills. All languages welcome. Let's have some fun!
SUNDAY 03 February:
Lightpainting mit dem Smartphone @Museum im Kulturspeicher, 15:00h:
Join us in the dark room and be creative with your phone. Plenty of installations invite you to draw and paint by using your mobile.
Slam Würzburg @Posthalle, 19:00h:
Poetry slam ain't dead. This time featuring Robert Alan, Veronika Rieger, Ksafa Wienerroither, Felin Schnee, Luise Komma Klar, and Martin Geier.
Super Bowl 2019 @Marina Hafenbar, 21:00h:
Patriots vs Rams on the screens tonight. American food and drinks will be served, too.
Schnitzel Day @Jenseits, 11:00h:
For the last day of the week we recommend all Schnitzels for 8,50€!
Game Night @Babelfish Hostel, 20:30h:
Join us and our guests for a fun night with card or board games and much more!
Zuletzt geändert am: Jan 27 2019 um 4:08 PM
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