MONDAY 29 July:
Food: Yasu's Popup Japanese Style Café @Zweiviertel La Famiglia, 10:00h:
Japanese breakfast. Enjoy tasty food and drinks from Japan, and have a great start of the day.
Wein am Main @Mainufer Sanderau, 18:00h:
Get your swimming trunks on, and let's have a party with joy, wine, and happiness at the riverside in the beautiful district of Sanderau.
Concert & Improv @Hafensommer, 20:00h:
Improv and music at the Hafensommer. Live on stage: Red Manhole, DJ Marco-Matic, MC DopZen, Der Kaktus, and Jim Libby.
Cocktail Casino @Besitos, 20:00h:
If you like to gamble, this is your event. Roll the dice and get the price of your next drink. Easy as pie.
Yoga meets Acro @FreiRaum, 20:30h:
Let's fly! Yoga and Acro are creating a beautiful jam when combined.
City Tour @Babelfish Hostel, 16:00h:
Our very own free walking tour. Join us and explore Würzburg.
TUESDAY 30 July:
Food: Yasu's Popup Japanese Style Café @Zweiviertel La Famiglia, 10:00h:
Japanese breakfast. Enjoy tasty food and drinks from Japan, and have a great start of the day.
Concert: Rainald Grebe & die Kapelle der Versöhnung @Hafensommer, 20:30h:
Bard, entertainer, cabarettist, and musician Rainald Grebe is live on stage with his Kapelle der Versöhnung tonight.
Offener Spieleabend @KHG, 19:00h:
Open game night! All players are welcome to come together and have a beautiful evening with card games, board games, conversation, and much more.
Sneak Preview @CinemaxX, 20:30h:
Discover an unreleased film before everone else at this great Sneak Preview!
Monkey Disko @Labyrinth, 22:00h:
Rock, Indie, Alternative. Do the monkey, have some drinks, enjoy the great, or play some foosball and billard.
Barbecue @Babelfish Hostel, 18:30h:
Hungry? Today we're offering a free Franconian sausage for our guests.
Food: Yasu's Popup Japanese Style Café @Zweiviertel La Famiglia, 10:00h:
Japanese breakfast. Enjoy tasty food and drinks from Japan, and have a great start of the day.
Food Truck Summer @Kitzingen, 11:00h:
In Würzburg's neighbouring town Kitzingen there's a great food truck event about to happen. The riverside will be crowded with great food, people, and fun.
KulturGärtle @Chambinzky, 17:00h:
Italian food, artsy atmosphere, and great people surrounded by trees and love.
Concert: Leaving Spirit @Marina Hafenbar, 19:30h:
Blues and Southern Rock band Leaving Spirit from Würzburg are releasing their debut CD "Things can change". Show your support for this talented young band.
Concert: Moka Efti Orchestra @Hafensommer, 20:30h:
The fourteen-piece Moka Efti Orchestra from Babylon Berlin is taking you back to the Golden Twenties.
Let's Talk! International Wednesday @Café MartinZ, 19:00h:
Meet nice people and improve your language skills. All languages welcome. Let's have some fun!
Pub Crawl @Babelfish Hostel, 21:00h:
At this very special city tour we're showing you our favourite bars and pubs.
THURSDAY 01 August:
Food: Yasu's Popup Japanese Style Café @Zweiviertel La Famiglia, 10:00h:
Japanese breakfast. Enjoy tasty food and drinks from Japan, and have a great start of the day.
Black and White Party @Stadtstrand, 18:00h:
Suit up, we're going to the beach! Music, drinks, friendly people in evening attire, and a great location will make a big party tonight.
Concert: Duncan Woods @Sternbar, 20:00h:
Duncan Woods from Australia is happy to play at the Sternbar tonight. Prepare for an amazing acoustic jam.
Concert: Käptn Peng & die Tentakel von Delphi @Hafensommer, 20:30h:
Intelligent, witty, and reflected rap music backed up by a sophisticated Funk and Jazz band.
Yoga @FreiRaum, 17:00h:
Free Yoga courses take place at the FreiRaum every Thursday.
KulturGärtle @Chambinzky, 17:00h:
Italian food, artsy atmosphere, and great people surrounded by trees and love.
Beer Tasting @Babelfish Hostel, 20:30h:
Difficult choices such as which beer to drink don't play a role tonight because we're offering a free tasting of all the beer we sell.
FRIDAY 02 August:
Food: Yasu's Popup Japanese Style Café @Zweiviertel La Famiglia, 10:00h:
Japanese breakfast for the last time. Enjoy tasty food and drinks from Japan, and have a great start of the day.
Ringparkfest @Ringpark, 15:00h:
Live music, food, drinks, and a lot of fun and entertainment in Würzburg's green belt.
Concert: Gaye Su Akyol / Baba ZuLa @Hafensommer, 19:30h:
Istanbul Night at Hafensommer. Gaye Su Akyol and Baba ZuLa are bringing the freshest sounds from vibrating metropolis Istanbul to Würzburg.
Theatre: Der kleine Prinz @Chambinzky, 20:00h:
[event in German language] Unter Regie von Cornelia Fink wird der herzerwärmende Klassiker von Antoine de Saint-Exupéry aufgeführt.
Resident Night @Waldschänke Dornheim, 22:00h:
Let's have a great party with the Dornheim family. Tim & Struppel will open the night for you, and then the two floors will go on fire.
In the Fausterei there will be Slowhouse, House, and Disco with Kalo, Batschi Bella Loona, and Yvonne.
In the Ballsall there will be House, Techhouse, Techno, and Breaks with Lucid Lava Lamb, and Metrophan.
Flirt Night @Zauberberg, 22:00h:
Single Beach Party on three floors. Oliver Geisler will play big hits in the club, Nick Green will provide you with Hiphop at the bar, and in the outside flirt area there will be the electric sounds of singles getting to know each other.
Special drink of the day: Sex on the Beach for 4,50€.
KulturGärtle @Chambinzky, 17:00h:
Italian food, artsy atmosphere, and great people surrounded by trees and love.
Friday Night Rock @Labyrinth, 21:00h:
Rock rock rock all night! Also there will be special offers on beer: pay one, get two!
XXL Jenga @Babelfish Hostel, 20:30h:
This huge version of the classic game Jenga promises fun and joy for all. Every brick comes with hilarious objectives.
SATURDAY 03 August:
Bauernmarkt @Bürgerbräu, 08:00h:
Farmer's market with regional goods and treats from local farmers and agricultural businesses. Taste the best the region can offer.
Ringparkfest @Ringpark, 15:00h:
Live music, food, drinks, and a lot of fun and entertainment in Würzburg's green belt.
Anniversairy Party @Besitos, 19:00h:
The Besitos in Würzburg is turning five years old. Thus, we celebrate the friendly venue with the presence of Classic Rock band Straight Bourbon.
Concert: Charlie Cunningham, @Hafensommer, 19:30h:
Singer and Songwriter Charlie Cunningham from Oxford, UK is said to be one of the greatest talents of present days. Let's have a great night with his harmonic, sensual music at the Hafensommer.
90s Party @Labyrinth, 22:00h:
90s galore! Two floors: one with classics from the colourful decade, and one with 90s Rock and Metal hits. Also Wodka Lemon is only 2,50€ tonight.
Hip Hop Heroes @Studio, 23:00h:
Summertime, party and HipHop music. DJ Kingsize and his special guest will make the club bounce.
Theatre: Der kleine Prinz @Chambinzky, 20:00h:
[event in German language] Unter Regie von Cornelia Fink wird der herzerwärmende Klassiker von Antoine de Saint-Exupéry aufgeführt.
KulturGärtle @Chambinzky, 17:00h:
Italian food, artsy atmosphere, and great people surrounded by trees and love.
SUNDAY 04 August:
Ringparkfest @Ringpark, 11:00h:
Live music, food, drinks, and a lot of fun and entertainment in Würzburg's green belt.
Kunstbrunch @MS Zufriedenheit, 11:00h:
Art and Brunch! Enjoy a vegan and vegetarian brunch while experiencing works of art.
Theatre: Der kleine Prinz @Chambinzky, 17:00h:
[event in German language] Unter Regie von Cornelia Fink wird der herzerwärmende Klassiker von Antoine de Saint-Exupéry aufgeführt.
Schnitzel Day @Jenseits, 11:00h:
For the last day of the week we recommend all Schnitzels for 8,50€!
KulturGärtle @Chambinzky, 17:00h:
Italian food, artsy atmosphere, and great people surrounded by trees and love.
Game Night @Babelfish Hostel, 20:30h:
Join us and our guests for a fun night with card or board games and much more!
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